October 25, 2023

I love to write, and I love to share what I write. I have been writing for two years now. I save what I write on word document. One day I am going to publish a book. I am an open book. All my thoughts and feeling are in the open. I am always shifting. I perceive thing differently all the time. I always reflect on my life and what I need to do in every moment. My focus has improved greatly since the two years. I write as if the who universe is listening to me, or reading what I write, and the whole universe is my friend or family. I am talking to my self. The whole universe is a refection of me that I flow within every vessel. Take off the mask, pretend your body is invisible, then what do you have, soul/ spirit /free energy/ light/awareness/woo woo your a ghost behind the body suit, a ghost can fly. Fly little ghost, it's Halloween soon 🤪. That would be so fun if you could go into the 5th dimension then reappear in the 3rd dimension behind someone and scare them 😱. We have that power to thats how time travel works by highering your awareness to the 5th dimension or higher, to the point where there is no time. You have to be 100% mentally, emotionally, spiritually and physically clean including being educated on how to. I don't know how don't ask me. It's like humanity is in JK level for the whole life span. I love to be funny, silly, make jokes. Take life as an upside down roller-coaster. Hello, a woman's period, and emotional swings or slides, it's easier to go down then walk back up the ladder of hormonal balance. Or the hardship of working all the time, while getting little pay. Mean while everything is costing more than double what pay provides. Then when you want to charge more money for your own business, clients don't have more money. There is no balance with this world. Another reason I write to the world is that I have no friends. I tried to make friends. I always try to talk to people. Easy said then done. Everyone is busy with getting by and their own life struggles. I am a lonely girl sometimes. I know the universe can hear my thoughts. The universe is telepathic. I always think someone out there is laughing at my thoughts.