December 03, 2024
• Edited (Dec 03, 2024)

Should pedophiles who kidnap, rape and murder children for their Adrenochrome be forgiven? Will forgiving murderous child traffickers change them and their murderous behavior? Do most ignorant closed-minded self-absorbed self-serving narcissists ever change? Do most bullies, tyrants and psychopaths ever change? If there were never any consequences for horrific evil crimes, would those who commit horrific evil crimes stop committing such crimes? If you were a parent who had a child go missing and was later found to have been kidnapped, raped, tortured and murdered, would you be able to forgive the serial rapist who murdered your child? Would you be okay with it if there were no consequences for the horrific crimes against your child? We know that forgiveness is said to be the answer, but is it the answer in every situation for every person? I myself don't know the answer to these questions.