November 15, 2023

Universe guiding about  Urine Therapy ?

Last year, way before I heard of this site, I was in a situation with no access to a bathroom where I had 2 identically looking jugs, one empty for pee and one with Aloe Vera Juice for drinking.

There was a confusion and I ended drinking Aloe Vera Juice mixed with my own...

After realizing what has happened, I freaked out, not knowing if I had to run to the emergency room or induce vomiting, or what was I supposed to do?

Then I immediately remembered, in my youth I was a shepherd boy feeding my flock in the forest and on the meadows. No bathroom there. Sheep and goats would fight each other to drink my pee, as it was coming out. Remembering no harm coming to them, I became at peace that no harm should be happening to me either.

At the time I was ill and soon after the incident, I felt energy coursing through my veins, and my sickness went away almost instantly. The miracle was very evident to those around, when they saw me a little later. They marveled how come I was all of the sudden well again. I invented a reason, didn't dare tell them the actual truth.

Maybe there is more healing power if urine is mixed with Aloe Vera, my recovery was pretty much miraculous.