November 30, 2023

We’re having some issues with our local EES Center. Myself, my husband and my friends whom I’ve referred, are not seeing the same results after six weeks of signing up.
I know the “good” owner has stepped aside for the “bad” owner. No fault of the “good” owner’s own. It’s really unfortunate. So now the “bad” owner is in charge
My question is—with other energy healing modalities it can take 72 hours for the fields to harmonize.Is it true with EES? Should it run 24/7?
The “bad” owner doesn’t know much about Jason, Dr Michael or EES technology—which really concerns me. He was even interested in us when we first met him. Like we were invisible.
I’m wondering if the system is being turned off at night now? They only have appointments now about 3 hours out of the day according to their online schedule
I need this technology for my husband’s healing. It was really working very well. And now it doesn’t feel the same. My friends whom I referred are saying the same, which got me thinking
My husband is a good unselfish man who goes way out of his way to helps others. People need him to get well again
I’m worried as to whether this center is delivering the system correctly. We’re stretching our budget for this
If the system owner turns it off at night, does it disrupt the healing energy field for a period of time?