
Dec 20 at 10:42 AM

Thank you for sharing this. Many things get lost along the way. To come back to the original is important in understanding. Again, thank you.


Dec 18 at 02:01 PM

And, right when I thought it couldn’t get worse, I can no longer book online without signing the right to be photographed and voice recorded for the center to use at their discretion!! So does that mean I can’t go anymore unless I sign away my right to privacy? I don’t see a purpose to film me while I’m asleep in the EES room!

(It’s not like we’re all going to start a bar room fight or steal a recliner past the front desk!

I can’t even call the front desk/center directly. All calls go to his cell phone and he’s the guy who installed and controls the cameras!

I’m so stressed right now. This just isn’t right. I can’t get my appointments now without giving consent to be filmed….what kind of person does this to someone who wants to use this healing tool. I don’t get it

Dec 17 at 02:56 PM

Akhi You are very thoughtful!🙏

Dec 17 at 02:56 PM

Akhi That’s a lovely story❤️

Dec 17 at 01:35 PM

There’s two owners as I understand it and they are in conflict. She’s in disagreement with his practices and he’s changed locks and locked her out as a result of it……attorneys are involved I understand. He’s the one who installed the cameras at her objections and is now asking clients to sign consent forms. Clients are refusing to consent but I know the cameras were still on when we there last week because the red light is on. I looked behind the front desk so I know the receptionist is not monitoring the room, but someone is…….I’m not sure what to do about it.

I certainly don’t give consent to be filmed or voice recorded at his discretion. I’m not a lawyer, but I read the Iowa legal information on this type of activity at it sure appears illegal to do it without a person’s consent……it’s so unsettling and yet there’s no real option for us to go elsewhere at the moment

I’d buy our own unit for home if I could but that’s not an option at the moment either

Dec 17 at 12:37 PM

Stacey Allen unfortunately it’s on the other side of the state —about 5/6 hours round trip. Same with Chicago. This location is 5 minutes

Dec 14 at 11:39 AM

Akhi I have followed through. Thank you. As long as the awareness gets through, I’m confident in the commitment to the mission.


Dec 14 at 10:57 AM

I did. Thank you. 🙏

Dec 14 at 10:42 AM

Akhi I wish there was another center close by. I’m not comfortable thinking of being filmed while sleeping on an overnight. That’s just creepy and unnecessary. It’s supposed to be a healing center and being “spied on” isn’t, in my mind, helpful for wellbeing. I’m pretty sure that it’s not something UNIFYD Healing would agree with. Plus, we’re a military community. There are members who can’t, by nature of their work, be filmed like that! It’s a large Army community and if they come and see a camera, they will have to turn away. That’s not right. I noticed the camera awhile back and didn’t really like it but needed the treatment. But now that I’ve given it some thought, I find it very upsetting and upsetting to think I finally have this EES accessible and might not be able to go there anymore

Dec 13 at 10:25 PM

Akhi Thank you for your reply. That means a lot. Staying focused on healing is the focus but it’s hard to do that when the visits feel off and unnatural like that. Other people are noticing it too and asked me how I felt about it. I don’t like that camera watching me and I didn’t sign the waiver but they aren’t saying the cameras off when those of us who didn’t sign it are in the room….

What to do?