

Dec 13 at 09:08 PM

So, I'm curious.....
Cameras have been installed in our EESytem Center here in Davenport, lowa, in the EES room. Is this standard practice?
We are also being asked to sign a waiver giving permission to be filmed, and to use our voices.
I feel as if this is surveillance and I'm not sure if it's even legal.
I'm really not comfortable with this.


Dec 13 at 09:01 PM

So, I’m curious…..

Cameras have been installed in our EESytem Center here in Davenport, Iowa, in the EES room. Is this standard practice?

We are also being asked to sign a waiver giving permission to be filmed, and to use our voices.

I feel as if this is surveillance and I’m not sure if it’s even legal.

I’m really not comfortable with this.


Dec 09 at 06:56 PM

RFK, Jr Interview
When and where will the interview with Jason and RFK, Jr be available to view, please?


Dec 01 at 12:25 PM

$60/hour is a cap, NOT a requirement.

If one lived in San Francisco or NYC, it would be nearly impossible to run a center in those economic communities without charging that rate, as rents, for example, are 3-4x higher than Iowa.

$60/hour in Iowa pretty much makes EES affordable only for the rich and makes the EES owner very wealthy. I am a small business owner in Iowa, so I can speak to this.

I believe UNIFYD Healing is a non-profit organization. It’s my personal belief, that in that spirit, center owners shouldn’t work for free, but nor should they handsomely profit over wealthy people’s sufferings, and price the less fortunate out of this important healing modality.

That’s just my opinion.

And, I agree with you. If a doctor is using it solely for their own patients, they shouldn’t be using the UNIFYD Healing marketing team and resources to exclusively mine for more patients to grow their practice.

Dec 01 at 10:24 AM

Unfortunately they are hours away and with the cost of gas and time it’s not easy for anyone who lives here to do that. We have a dog so that complicates getting away.

Mostly, the energy in the room has changed at the center we can get to so I’m wondering what is different. We’re not the only ones who has commented on it. It’s just not feasible to keeping if they aren’t operating correctly


Nov 30 at 11:36 PM

We’re having some issues with our local EES Center. Myself, my husband and my friends whom I’ve referred, are not seeing the same results after six weeks of signing up.
I know the “good” owner has stepped aside for the “bad” owner. No fault of the “good” owner’s own. It’s really unfortunate. So now the “bad” owner is in charge
My question is—with other energy healing modalities it can take 72 hours for the fields to harmonize.Is it true with EES? Should it run 24/7?
The “bad” owner doesn’t know much about Jason, Dr Michael or EES technology—which really concerns me. He was even interested in us when we first met him. Like we were invisible.
I’m wondering if the system is being turned off at night now? They only have appointments now about 3 hours out of the day according to their online schedule
I need this technology for my husband’s healing. It was really working very well. And now it doesn’t feel the same. My friends whom I referred are saying the same, which got me thinking
My husband is a good unselfish man who goes way out of his way to helps others. People need him to get well again
I’m worried as to whether this center is delivering the system correctly. We’re stretching our budget for this
If the system owner turns it off at night, does it disrupt the healing energy field for a period of time?


Nov 15 at 10:27 AM

AerinLeigh And just to be clear, the compassionate owner is in a really tough spot. She’s trying her best to help the clients, but he’s standing in the way (I’m being polite)

Nov 15 at 09:44 AM

I’m sad to say, the dual ownership of this business location is not working out. The one owner is clearly interested in healing and helping people alleviate sufferings based on her own sufferings. She’s of good heart. The other owner can’t be trusted to fulfill his word and is clearly interested in financial profit off of other people’s suffering. The attitude is cold and uncompassionate. I will not line the pockets of a person like that. I will not be going back. Neither will the two people whom I referred. Not because of me, but because their own experiences this week have been a huge disappointment. Example: one drove 90 miles for her evening appointment to find a “sorry for the inconvenience” sign on the door. They had her phone number, they could have called her. A lot of clientele around here are rural people driving long distances to come to town.

This is very, very sad.

Nov 14 at 05:29 PM

Thank you. I did send an email to this and it was kicked back to a new contact method with a 500 word limit. I do see that you have a Miami address. Would you please be on the look out for correspondence concerning this matter? It will come from a law firm, return receipt requested with all the details you need to be aware of.

The mission of UNIFYD Healing is very important. We do not want to lose this center, please.

Nov 14 at 09:34 AM

I’m very distressed. I do not understand. Our center, which opened October 2, is not honoring their agreement to the clients. He closed the center. People drove 90 miles yesterday to find to find it closed with no explanation. My husband is recovering so well from his stroke and I’m upset about not having access to this now. The other owner said she showed up yesterday and he’d changed the locks without her knowledge. She’s a treasure and the poor thing doesn’t know what to tell people. Can you please help?