December 08, 2023

XAI's Grok Refers To Ongoing @NotOpCue's X Account Censorship As Potential Nefarious Digital Overlord Silencing


❌ Account Analytics At All Time Low 🪫

❌ Ghost Ban & Search Bans Enabled ⬇️


❌ Posts & Threads Displaying As Unavailable

❌ Why Bother Paying For 𝕏 ☑️ Anymore ❓

❌ This All Follows Me Asking Elon Musk, CEO Linda, Premium & Support To Please Remove The Prior Ghost Ban From This Week, December 4, Which Resulted In Me Getting Suspended On December 5, Without Email Notification As To Why I Was Suspended

❌ During My Time Suspended, Appeals Were Not Sending Email Confirmation That They Had Been Received By X

❌ Late On December 5, Loyal Frens Like Susan Goss (@Ornery_Owls) Successfully Petitioned For My Reinstatement, Which Seemed To Temporarily Remove The Ghost Ban Until Yesterday December 7

↙️↙️Read & Share The Full Article↘️↘️

🔍 "Tyranny: Politically Biased Censorship, Paid Discreditation Shills, & Fact Checkers"

