You wanna know why religion is garbage and is completely unethical and inhumane?? This is why..
So a 4 year old little girl gets molested and sexually abused by a priest or a pastor..(which has been happening for thousands of years) and she grows up not being a Christian or going to church or partaking in any type of Christian religion.. she's traumatized and damaged and her whole world was pretty much destroyed at the age of 4 and Christians or other groups will tell her, or anybody for that matter, that the girl is going to go to hell and burn in a lake of fire for eternity because she didn't believe in something that basically tore her apart and ruined her life or dedicate her spirit and life to serving "the one true God".. but the pastor/priest can go straight to the confession box or simply pray to his God in order to be forgiven and then raptured into heaven with no problem because any and all sins are forgivable so long as you comfess and repent or whatever there bullshit method of having limiting and fear based beliefs is.. idk, but what I do know is that if you are so simply minded to even begin to think this could possibly be a good thing or the right thing you may not be grounded into actual reality. Its mental enslavement and its garbage and It doesn't make logical sense to our true human nature and our true human orgins.. there are some gruesome stories and very evil stories in the Bible that reference straight to God and to Christians as a whole. I've been studying alternative perspectives on the matter and have come across some very disturbing things in my research. I'm coming to learn that the Bible is actually a book derived from many different books and deities that have absolutely nothing to do with the message that religion brings to the world and was actually created to mentally, psychologically and spiritually entrap you and basically suck your soul and have it reincarnate continuously in the same karmic state because religion limits yourself in an infinite amount of ways.. wake up! Stop being seperated and snared and entraped.. it's time to elevate and grow humanity.. not repeat the same cycles of war, death, hate and evil..And I'm not claiming that the entire Biblical book is garbage but I promise you it's not what they tell you it is and there is alot more thought into the entire message of the Bible in regards of mental human control. We've been tricked... there has been an estimated 80 million deaths from religion and its all over control, control of information and control of the human triad, mind, body and soul... All your prayers aren't going to the source you may think they are going to when you say Amen they are actually going to a deity which i will be writing a story on that whole subject next. I will be sharimg more on the topic though.. and i share because i care.. not to bash anyone, piss anyone off or make anyone feel stupid, uncomfortable or any type of negative feelings or emotions but simply to help the human race grow, see, and umderstand the true limitless we possess as humans. Love and light. I will have much more information on all this.. i found a very intersting source of information and it comes with receipts for everything... stay tuned. โฅ๏ธโนโนโนโฅ๏ธ

April 12, 2024