In one of his recent videos titled "Elon Musk - the Trojan Horse of AI", Ismael Perez had a serious warning about Elon Musk - saying that even the 2.0 version who replaced the original Elon Musk is a non-human bad guy and dangerous. Ismael also warned about Neuralink
Partial list of 260 arrests and executions that have supposedly already taken place. Movie to wake up the sleeping sheep...
What content should I watch to get information alternatives to root canals? I was trying to find the video but could not find it. Appreciate the help!
Ahhh hello ppl, this is very casual forum, very relaxed. Humanity is the goal, the evil doers are killing ppl everyday with wars & their new virus! Anyone like a latte?
Sirius is motivated, serious & fairly prepared. I think TLS & Ray are truly inspirational, but without communication its hard to know if this is a Facebook discussion forum about the possible end of humanity itself
====>>> Heres what i think needs to happen <<<===
Hate Division War is what binds the world & sends us to attack one another by order of fatcats who hide behind desks, profiting from arms sales & deaths. All for a political agenda! 2024 years since they reset time & rewrote a book full of rules to control mankind. Sacrifices & Psychopaths isnt what the ppl want running the globe. Equality & Peace for humanity to unite, & reclaim our planet set things right.
Or just slave on & watch 6 billion die, As NWO kill unarmed women & children in Palestine, & push M Pox (or watever it is) on 3rd world countries killing millions. Distracted by fake news about Hamas its hard to fathom whats really going on. But they are the real terrorists. Love & healing wont achieve anything Jason, that comes after. People & Power now to remove the scum, as they have already begun.
@@@@@ HERE @@@@
Uniting with Sirius Disclosure is the first step, huge legal team, military, rich powerful & influencial ppl pledge their cause. Then Ickonic with mighty David Icke, his knowledge of their structure & weakness we need his mind. His ability to empower the ppl with his uncanny wisdom of the entire agenda he eliminates doubt.
My lifes purpose:: Abilities from birth Chosen One (leadership) Bares the seal of God! 🤨 'M' The Healers mark. - Spiritually, Physically, Mentally Prepared. Posses much knowledge, history & the now, past lives / reincarnation/ killed by the Parasites in 2021, came back to life 20 minutes later (no cpr attempted) & 20yrs of ongoing attempts to remove me from the equation. Profound connection to the divine & the universe, highly intuitive, great sense to frequencies, illuminator for the chosen. You are all chosen! - im in the wrong country & behind E lines. Need extraction asap 👽
If you gps all electric goods and battery powered good's you could just about stop all theft and cut your insurance
The thing with fixing a road it takes time you got to fill the hole let it pack down fill again pack down fill again and cars are the best as small sure fix area on Tyler’s rollers are no good as larg surefce area they just flatten it they don pack things down its like you can stand on a 100 nails standing up as you weight spread out but you can’t stand on 1 nailer without it going into you foot
I’ve done it I blow up a bottle gave me a hell of a fruit but I think negative gives of hydrogen and positive gives of oxygen you need to keep sepreat as together when lit it gos back to water but you get pure hydrogen you can run a car on it