Gary Miles

Nelson, United Kingdom

Hello my name is Gary and I am 57 , I believe that someday we will be free from all the corruption here on earth .


Aug 19 at 05:02 PM


Aug 19 at 05:01 PM

Hello please look at this amazing charity that helps struggling ex veterans overcome this like drug alcohol and homelessness and mentle health charities like these truly appreciated ex veterans of all kinds please take a look and see what an amazing job they are doing thanks again Gary 🙂 x

Replied on Kid

Aug 19 at 04:19 PM

Well said and understand completely Glen this life time that you are living will be accessed at some time when your gone , it's saved and stored on the harddrive of life paths 😃


Replied on True Service

Aug 19 at 12:37 AM

It's like they're in zombie land with all the poisons and governments brainwashing I'm not surprised.


Commented on True Service

Aug 18 at 09:57 PM

Even my own close family will not listen they think I'm nuts , what a nice awakening they're going to get .


Aug 18 at 09:53 PM


When I was a kid I used to say that I will never die now I'm an adult I say that I will never die


Commented on TLS Update

Aug 16 at 05:37 AM

See alot or orbs flying around .


Jul 20 at 06:36 PM

Does anyone. Know what these are I was watching the space station in June 2020 when all these floating things was flying past earth .🤔👍


May 25 at 07:52 PM

Hello , Lancashire England my name is Gary I am 56yrs old ,disabled injured a victim of societies wrong ones now I know the truth I see things much different now and starting over again 😀