
Bozeman, MT, United States

Renee HardinYES as S vM see if you can find me like that or Sisters of Light (on Tele as well)

and my personal opinion is that the knowledge Jason is sharing , if we can share with children, has to be created anew, with a different perspective on how to teach children, away from old paradigms.


no i have screenplays (w awards) and i write a lot of content for art exhibitions etc. My husband is working on children books. I have however a passion for Children books that i collect. have quite a few wonderful ones.


I love all you say and would love to help. I am a writer and can help how can we connect?


Jun 26 at 08:49 AM

Yes great info saw the live AGN


I recommend highly ANAND MEHROTRA (Himalayan young guru). His teachings in THE ROAD TO DHARMA on Gaia are absolutely profound and beautiful. From a different perspective which leads to the same truth..

Jun 23 at 12:23 PM

Beautiful! Thank you🙏🏻

lyra pure lionessYes I received that as well. And still I cannot commit to three payments of $ 175. What I say above still is accurate. They should not ask for $497 (nor $ 175 per month in 3 months) but allow a contribution based on what people can do. Also they ask us to sign a Non Disclosure Agreement. So you cannot share with the masses. That I understand, but they should figure out on how to help in a way that does not strain us financially. Right now, paying rent and bills is literally a month to month ordeal. I am sure I am not the only one that situation.

Jun 22 at 09:57 PM

Fabulous! Thank you for recalibrating all our perceptions..


Jun 22 at 09:46 PM

cindy marks Agreed!