
Bozeman, MT, United States

Jul 28 at 06:41 PM

SelenaTHE ROAD TO DHARMA with ANAND as well and ADAM.

Commented on The Highest Pass

Jul 28 at 05:43 PM

I LOVE ANAND saw him in THE ROAD TO DHARMA. Was fabulous. Can you please have subtitles even for English? coz the accents and names make is difficult to understand sometimes... unless we can read them. 

Jul 28 at 03:14 PM

I LOVE ANAN and I love the filmmakers! I  have seen another film by them on GAIA. This is so superb! THANK YOU for bringing it to UNIFYD TV!

Replied on The Law Of One

Jul 19 at 05:19 PM

SsvmIn Any case I love all Aaron is teaching us ... and reminding us.


Replied on The Law Of One

Jul 19 at 05:15 PM

Ryan Lee The present negative entities are playing with our free will by using deceit on a unprecedented level with lies and corruption (I dont call that Free Will). Its very weird to consider manipulative behavior as offering Free will. . The Confederation should know better. I am not sure I call free will  when we are lied to and being deceived. Some of us see behind the lies but most do not. hence they are manipulated in a choice they would not make if they were fully  informed. FREE WILL is when we can choose knowing all facts. It's not FREE WILL if we being manipulated into a choice because we were lied to and we react in fear. 


Commented on The Law Of One

Jul 14 at 10:24 PM

In the Science of Angels, Ra  says that  the confederation establishes a quarantine around earth to protect free will on our planet and  prevent negative entities from invading us and interfering with us and enslaving us. But how can this be true since we already  invaded and manipulated gravely and enslaved and on the course to something worse? how come the negative entities who operate the earth now were not stopped by the confederation?

Commented on The Logos

Jul 13 at 12:38 AM

Teaching and knowledge is great,  but the facts are enunciated a bit too fast, and the background music with the disco beat is very disruptive and unpleasant. Any chances to have a background sound that heals in 432Hz? would be way more  appropriate and healing.. Tibetan bowls? anything but the disco beat?

Jul 12 at 11:32 PM

I lOVE how Aaron explains and makes it easier to grasp. A huge huge THANK YOU for sharing! Priceless !


Everyone should see this and know about this.Its highly urgent people start to be aware of what is happening in NYC. Note that in Australia they are doing exactly the same.


Renee HardinAgreed