Durham, NC, United States

Visionary Futurist dedicated to The GREAT AWAKENING of humankind.

Aug 25 at 11:49 PM


Aug 25 at 11:48 PM

the 'powers that be' know exactly HOW mass hypnosis works and rely upon humans to remain asleep. to wake up in this game, we must stop giving attention to their 'ploys of deception and propaganda'. we must direct our attention towards a desired outcome. to operate as an awake soul requires a mastery of intent where one's attention is placed on what one desires to see happen. 

Aug 25 at 11:43 PM

EDIT Please. We are better served by looking for our DESIRED OUTCOME on the horizon rather than what we believe we do not want to see happen. THOUGHTS ARE ACTS OF CREATION. THINK THE DESIRED OUTCOME, PLEASE ! ! ! ! !

Aug 25 at 11:40 PM

Honor your feeling first and foremost.

Then dig into the facts. There you will find peace of mind and an appreciation for the strategic move.

We The People WIN !


Aug 25 at 06:02 PM


WE have more 'aces' up our sleeves than can be counted.  


Aug 25 at 05:58 PM

check out the posts in cyberspace about the sun's effect on this planet's magnetosphere. 

Aug 25 at 05:01 PM

the title of this particular work of art posted here is:

"The Four Arcana of The Great Circle of Life".

To learn more about these visionary futurist Sacred Geometry works of art visit:



Aug 25 at 04:57 PM

I am very excited to share this recent video about the Sacred Geometry artwork located at the EES QUANTUM REJUVENATION in North Raleigh NC. It adds an ambiance to the space that brings attention to the subtle nuances embodied in this visionary futuristic art.

*see video here:


Aug 22 at 12:08 AM



Aug 20 at 02:47 PM

The GREAT AWAKENING is upon us. let us surrender our hearts and be elevated into a higher state of awareness where LOVE HEALS and guides The WAY to wholeness.