Cali Girl

San Diego, CA, United States

Mar 09 at 11:09 AM

I got it!!! Go to your purchases and click on the link from there and you can watch the recorded version!!!

Mar 09 at 11:06 AM

Mine won’t let me watch either…

Mar 03 at 01:41 PM

Jennifer Burnett so you believe Jesus will take the chosen in the middle of the night with no one to see what happened? The point of the “rapture” will be to rescue the chosen ones & the others will be left in eternal damnation… at least that has been written & programmed for us to believe. Why only 144,000 will be saved? As a child that part always bothered me. I was baptized Catholic & as a child I was told that you must be baptized to go to heaven. As a child I knew this was WRONG. No one could tell me that a still born baby would not go to heaven. It just didn’t make logical sense. We are spiritual beings living a physical life. This physicality intersects spirituality & the moment you realize that everything you do, chose, think, eat & say manifests both physically & spirituality you will know that individually we have the power within us to save ourselves. That is what Jesus was trying to teach us. We are all children of God. Jesus is our brother so much has been hidden from us


Mar 03 at 01:28 PM

Jason Maxwell doesn’t evil have to exist to truly move through and evolve to heaven? The yin & the yang? As above so below? God created the heavens & the earth… he created the angels & the demons… they both must co exist. If we didn’t have misery how would we ever truly know happiness? Just things I ponder… I always say, I am not the judge nor do I want to be the jury. Only GOD can see all he should always be the ultimate judge & jury. We humans are limited by our own perspective or personal lens… we can’t truly see anything from a pure perspective if that makes sense!


Mar 01 at 11:45 PM

kim parkin only some peoples memory gets wiped… also depends on the age. I was taken as a child so they could harvest my DNA. They tried to wipe my memory but it didn’t work. Still to this day I can not have any procedures under “twilight” anesthesia because I remember EVERYTHING during the procedure and typically go out right afterwards once I know I am safe… so really it all depends.


Feb 20 at 07:07 PM

Me too! I am in Sedona! What a perfect place to watch this! ♥️🙏thank you Jason!


Jan 12 at 07:58 PM

San Diego, Ca


Do you know anything about Kimberly Ann Goguen is her message true or is she a psyop? She speaks about the financial system and has said that the evil doers has lost control of their system. Is this true?


Commented on post was deleted

Jan 08 at 03:38 PM

Can’t wait for Jason to touch on this!!!

Jan 08 at 03:37 PM

We still have free will… we need to use our Devine discernment & not be tricked into complying with their evil agenda. We are spiritual being living in a physical world. We forget that we are spiritual! They made us feel like the vax was mandated but it really wasn’t. Yes we lost our jobs & lively hood by not complying but we had a choice. They likely will use a similar trick but we need to remember that we are the spiritual co-creator of our reality not them. Don’t live in fear or worry… and we will be just fine. I am understanding this more and more. It is truly beautiful once you can take a step out of the matrix and see it for what it is. Now the hard part for me is I have children & I need to let go & let our father take control. I can give my advice & plant seeds of information but ultimately this is their journey in growth & they need to do it their way or they will have learned nothing. It is truly the hardest part about spiritually waking up but it is still so beautiful! ♥️