Dora Bonarek

Thanks for your comment - I thought my ear buds were malfunctioning ha ha

Mar 21 at 04:26 AM

I find lots of materials very interesting here on Unifyd TV, including the Pyramid code series. Being said that listening to this recording ( BTW I love the voice of lector) I have a hard time to focus all I hear is a bunch of names that are very hard to remember and follow their stories... I am one hour into the whole audio book. Does it get more interesting any soon? Is anyone else sharing my experience at all?


Mar 20 at 11:57 PM

I saw they were others who posted same comment. Unless you guys have seen the trailer and forgot about seeing it but you retained the pieces of information 😉

Mar 20 at 11:16 PM

Yes, OMG I thought I was the only one who noticed. So glad I found your comment!🤩💫✨ The same thing happened on my daughter's birthday I was taking a photo in the dark rather restaurant ( the flash went on) and it actually came out as recorded video and an orb crossing the screen exactly same way: upper right corner to lower left. I love to watch it again and again ha ha


Mar 20 at 11:09 PM

What was the documentary please?


Oct 19 at 03:08 AM

Oh and apparently our soul knows what can be revealed to you, in other words: what you can handle. So if you have committed horrible crimes in the past life and you are a sensitive petsin now, not strong enough, not ready those things would NOT be revealed to you in a past lives regression.

Oct 19 at 03:02 AM

It is called Past Life Regression and it can be done in a hypnotic session by skilled hypnotist who specializes in it.


Commented on I need help.

Aug 16 at 04:54 PM

P.S. Even your name tells me you will come out of it, ( Uriel ~ means the light of God, but you know that)


Commented on I need help.

Aug 16 at 04:51 PM

Uriel I am so very sorry to hear your situation. I am glad you are asking for help. Make sure you also ask your angels and guides to help you. Did you look up Energy Enhancing System in your area? Contact them , try it. I hope you will. 💛✨️💫
