You could be right. We will have to see. But as its yr right to believe your truth, just like others have the right to believe it, especially those who have gone through similar experiences. I wish he was wrong about everything, but I can't comment on everything he says because I don't know it all. However, I can agree with about 90% of what he says, and half of that is based on my own experiences ♥️
lyra pure lioness
Canterbury, United Kingdom
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Replied on DISCLOSURE 7
Replied on DISCLOSURE 7
Replied on DISCLOSURE 7
Replied on DISCLOSURE 7
Replied on Hidden Revelations Episode 8: The "New Age"
Replied on Hidden Revelations Episode 8: The "New Age"
Replied on Hidden Revelations Episode 8: The "New Age"
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Oct 15 at 10:11 AM