lyra pure lioness

Canterbury, United Kingdom


Jun 23 at 08:01 PM

you won’t need it mate. The codes already there ! 

Commented on truth bomb series

Jun 22 at 08:32 PM

I Don’t think it is think yet only on paid UNIFYD for now ❤️

There is so much more but I’m not sure what if I should even be writing is here I’m reaching out in desperation the pain is eased off now! for now anyway I was trying to explain it’s right someone has a dial and they are and turn it up and down. I don’t have tooth ache, might have now I’ve literally bent one of my teeth right back but that’s from the sheer agony I was being put through. No it wasn’t self-inflicted. I’ve always had a second row ! Where the actual pain is I don’t have a tooth really hard to explain I’ll leave you be anywhere you must be very busy don’t need me rambling on! I will leave these messages up for a couple of hours hope to get a response most probably being paranoid now, but I’m overly aware that anyone can be reading this! I need Jason or ray to contact me! I think I don’t know, I don’t wanna waste anyone’s time I can hear my mum saying it’s just your overactive imagination again! I don’t know

I don’t even know if I should be writing this stuff here? Where is the where I go I don’t know who I am what I am? There’s so many things that don’t make sense. My cousin he studied to be in archaeologist. There was headhunted by the government to do a job that we’re not allowed to know what he does. I was put on amitriptyline any age of 13 because I could see things ghosts, I thought them to be now possibly parallel universes? I managed to turn up my nans is doorstep. Three floors down through a lock door that was locked from the inside. No one knew how I got out. I don’t even know now? I used have vivid dream that I’d floated down on my bedroom window night go on adventures and then I wake up in the morning back in my bed,just dreams I was told, I had a another half on me, Catherine, was her name, we used to talk in the mirror! See crazy maybe they’re right personality disorder diagnosed as I dumbed myself down and got caught up in the world of addiction! Not High now! & im not mad

I suffered no pain at all yesterday well not from that. I’m not sure if I explain this I have muscular dystrophy and kyphosis that is fine plus osteomyelitis so I can handle pain. I have a very high pain reassured. I don’t take painkillers but I swear this is like someone can turn it on and off, it will go from no pain at all to the most excruciating, agonising pain ever felt in your life. I’d rather go through childbirth! I am sorry I don’t know where too turn. I have realise things lately, they sound like the rants of a mad woman maybe they are, but I don’t believe in coincidence take the lion behind Jasons head in a picture on Q&A is 1 to 3 disclosure that lion I see everywhere! My mum past away I found my birth chart, I swear it’s like it’s written from my future self, YouTube stop posting my comments, they close my bank account down after I mentioned, I was going to start a channel my dad I do not know, government were looking for him,not the police customs and excise,am i crazy?

This is not toothache I swear this is someone doing this to me it’s so intense it all started a few months ago my ear would go bright, red, hot, burning, hot, even hot to touch people It’s as they could see how red it had gone it’s was my right ear then progressed down my neck my vein in my neck, feels like it’s pulsating ! It’s now , my teeth in my face I can hear electricity, I sound crazy please I am not! i’m not unwell, please trust me.

Jun 22 at 06:14 AM

I dreamt this! If we end up amidst a alien invasion, it's important to know that this is just an attempt to cause widespread panic and chaos. This ploy is purely of human origin, and it's the humans who are responsible for instilling this fear in the population. However, when a horn sounds, it will signal the intervention of extraterrestrials who will bring a large ship over the Earth to protect it from harm. Though this will render everyone paralyzed for three days due to the sun's rays being blocked, it's a necessary measure. The planet and its inhabitants are in need of this protection. Despite the government and news media's deceptive messages, we must trust and believe in the extraterrestrials, as their actions are for the greater good. Those who disobey and venture outside during this time may suffer due to man's lies and greed, not because of the ETs. We must stay cautious, remain vigilant, please stay safe. ♥️🥷🏻♥️

Jun 20 at 04:50 AM

What you just said they’re your spot-on Jason , Andrew  Tate is a prime example, not expressing what was the fact and his  opinion I look at the mess it’s got him in ❤️