
Haverhill, MA, United States

Aug 10 at 12:27 PM

Love one another for we are all one ❤


May 22 at 09:46 PM

Disinformation does no one any good. Each of us are responsible for our actions and some actions have consequences. The verbiage used is standard in all raids. Please research, educate oneself and let's not spread DISINFORMATION. MTG should be the last person you should use as a reference in my opinion. Your beliefs are your own and my beliefs are mine. I may not agree with you but I respect you as a beautiful soul my brother. Peace Love and Light 💙

May 22 at 08:20 PM

When I visited my sister I went with her to pickup her youngest at daycare he's in pre-K. She asked him how was your day and he replied good we did yoga. I was like, what... Sis said yup they teach them yoga poses and breath work, showing them how to relax and decompress. I was impressed

May 22 at 03:42 PM

Enjoyed your interview with Billy Carson on his 4biddenknowledge YouTube channel. I am very much looking forward to this Monday night live on your platform 😀 No restrictions on what can be said. Now I'm off to setup my alerts so I don't miss this talk. PEACE, LOVE & LIGHT


May 22 at 10:41 AM

🙄 it's standard verbiage.

Viewed the solar eclipse in Northfield VT. It was the most spectacular natural thing I have seen in my life. I meditated and sent Peace, Love and Light to the world and Universe. I even shed a tear at such a view. I did feel extremely heavy prior to the eclipse and a couple of days later.  


Feb 28 at 01:32 PM

Sounds like a great plan! Hosted by Pete & Roxy


Sep 13 at 11:59 AM

Lessons, Love, Health, Gratitude ❤
