Brent Goodine

Grand Falls, Canada

Sep 14 at 12:17 PM

Purpose, Connection, Change, and Self-Care. All rang true within me as each appeared before my eyes. Usually i have words flying off the screen at me when these types of post show up. Not this one. Each word came so slowly as i randomly scanned the post, realizing at the same time it was not at all like any other before. None before ever felt so true to me either. And so it is.


Replied on Just Me

Sep 07 at 11:11 AM

Asana DesireeThe pleasure has been mine.👍💯🌈


Replied on Just Me

Sep 06 at 02:33 AM

Asana Desiree so don't feel sorry for me dear One. Instead I want to thank you for alerting me about the pasta. I been meaning to invest in a pasta machine and get some chickens again too. Now I have a really good reason to never eat potato chips again. Chocolate I been getting from a small company out of Texas who import their heirloom cacao beans from a single farm in Bolivia, certified organic non GMO. Quite pricey though, but the quality ahh. Can't beat it. So what do you have for snacks an such in these days of factory made food? Bound to be a farmers market some where's maybe even a dairy farmer brave enough to sell whole milk bootleg style. that's how we have to do it for many years now in Canada.

Replied on Just Me

Sep 06 at 02:22 AM

Asana Desiree ah me ah my chips an chocolate bars hunh? And pasta? I don't doubt you yet I rarely consume those 3 weaknesses of mine any more. Never liked grapefruit juice, Raised our own beef(haven't touched a Big Mac since 1989) and have despised those gelatinous concoctions called candies since boyhood. Yeah I was that weird kid who didn't like anything the other kids did. Make my own smoothies and that is only very recent like less than a year since I started drinking them. Just an old country dude raised on a farm with big garden and around 75-150 head of cattle so I never been a fan of fast foods. McDonalds wasn't even around my area till the mid 80's. Had to go to another country to eat there, and I must say in 1975 a Big Mac really was big! I still live a few miles down the road where I grew up although the herd is long gone along with the grand parents and parents. But free range beef is still available from a cousin down the road and I have my permaculture front and back yards.

Commented on Just Me

Sep 05 at 02:13 AM

Me too! Bugs?  Yuck no thank you.

May 28 at 09:05 AM


Pleased to be here. I actually have been on Social for more than a year just hadn't gotten into the habit of looking in on the site daily. I'm gonna remedy that.


Commented on Feeling this…..

May 28 at 12:52 AM

Gratefully received


correct you are. don't worry though. A remedy to rid the spike protein from our bodies and shut down it's manufacture within our organs has been developed by a scientist in Rumania and it's going to be available in a couple of weeks. learned about it today during Sacha Stone's Lazarus Symposium. Learned a lot of other things too. 


Yeah we been breathing that Morgellens stuff in for years. Research has shown the stuff to be an inorganic life form. There's an oxymoron for us. Still more disturbing these things appear to be some kind of interstellar transmitting/receiving apparatus that's able to be programmed either for a positive action in respect us, or an evil one. How would one know anyway? I am always on the lookout for a effective way to detox these nano particles from my biome.

May 25 at 10:55 PM

Hello from Grand Falls  NB
