Jesse Dreas

Rehoboth, MA, United States

Chef of 28 years loving father and husband and don't know where I would be if it wasn't for Jason@Unifyd/ Gaia T.V. they have opened my mind

Apr 15 at 07:11 PM

I think all public school system should require meditation as a curriculum every year from kindergarten to 12th grade just like we do with sports and our children and we tell them it's good to compete it and against each other all we're doing is setting them up to be stuck in the ego mind set which is what the world governments want to keep the people stupid just like they don't teach Personal Finance in public schools when I went to school in order to learn anything about financial I had to take a special class at night school around the weekends not even my parents taught me things like that without me asking if we just idolize some of our mentors in this world the yogis the great masters of this world like we do sports figures especially football think about how much greater of a place this would be to live how much life violence it would be how much more peace and happiness and love and compassion this world would have go with Oneness have compassion for your fellow men and women