Carol Yurur

Izmir, Turkey

Apr 04 at 11:25 AM

The Bowen Method uses gentle pressure on the body. İt is an energy healing


Apr 02 at 11:33 AM

Apr 02 at 11:31 AM

I live in Istanbul, Turkey/Türkiye,

Am I ready to let the Light shine and release from inside me with love to all beings now in my life and to all that enter and cross my path.? Isn't this what I/we are here to do?


I think these two dear young women needed to prepare better. The argument in the car about  who funded the nazis is much to long and not so interesting

Feb 16 at 01:27 PM

Some fascinating stuff being related to us about these 2 insiders' experiences. So what are they going to do now to get the gov to  tell the truth? We don't need more fiction style revelations. Give us the true  account. So far the same  fake message is given out  -  we need to fear  that these aliens are going to attack us.


Feb 01 at 08:58 AM

We're ready to watch this paradigm shift series. The time is now so, when does it start?!

Beautiful breathing meditation.


I know breathwork but with asthma and allergies  I have difficulties


Jan 26 at 12:07 PM

interpretation of the law of the seas does indeed bring disputes between nations, as in the example of Greece and Turkey.  One question that arises is  what if the shelf as defined by one country extends the shores of the other? Another question arises: What is the definition of a "sea"? Do the waters between these 2 countries constitute a sea or perhaps is it a lake?