Carol Yurur

Izmir, Turkey

Nov 27 at 12:07 PM

The series is fascinating. I'm still not  completely sure of Darrel l Anka's story of having been in touch  with  this person Bashar for 40 years!  Can we hear some information about him ? as that would make it seem more real. I'm wondering why we never heard from him all this time since it started in the 1980s. What work does he do? Why does he think he was chosen by Bashar for this entry into his body to speak? Perhaps the solution is for Jason to interview him on UNIFYD.

Nov 26 at 02:35 PM

New developments and insights are flowing into the light of day and this series is providing us down to earth information and spreading out everywhere. Keep it up Jason. We are learning.

Where did these ETs come from, what planet or star system?  

Commented on Shifting Perceptions

Oct 04 at 02:50 AM

This is a wonderful work. Going within, sharing the love


Sep 13 at 01:24 PM

health connection creation lesson


Aug 07 at 12:06 PM

This series of short talks must be spread  far and wide. The information is so clear it can expand us and unify us in the field. Thank you again David Icke. 

Looking forward to the rest of the series -Carol Yürür in İzmir


Jun 23 at 12:02 PM

YES! I used to belong to the "Women's League FOR Peace and Freedom" - we did many effectiveactions to raise awareness and demand change. We knew an organization for somethings worked far better than one that might be named  Women's "Anti-slavery and Anti-War" League

Jun 06 at 01:00 PM

This is a fine interview with Dr Michaels.  want to share it...   Unfortunate that the sound and images sometimes break up. Can you reload with better sound and image?  
