Carol Yurur

Izmir, Turkey

Jan 26 at 11:49 AM

thank you for sharing, you are a light worker so please continue to let it shine!

Commented on E-Motion The Movie

Jan 22 at 01:09 PM

This wonderful film will give to all who view it  an understanding of how they can heal their emotions  and their bodies.  

Thank you so much Chris🙏


I have asthma with allergies.  Too much deep breathing and breath holding makes me cough. Nevertheless I will try to relax and follow as much as possible.  Carol in Izmir Turkey


Commented on Anyone else?! 💫💜

Jan 18 at 01:04 PM

We are all going on our journey forward , right?... but let's not assume that what the future "should" be is what it turns out to be!  Anyway we are holding on for the ride and the level of consciousness we are at determines if we can be co-creators of our own paths.



Jan 18 at 12:55 PM

I'm a member. I got the app. But I also want to access the non-member materials like the e-books, etc. How to do this?

Commented on Birth Chart

Jan 18 at 09:30 AM

The calendar dates of each sign may be shifting so that if one is born "on the cusp" they might discover their birth sign is actually in the next sign. Nevertheless Danielle Page is gıving  very useful information about astrology and for most people if they get the date and time  of their birth right, they can build their chart.

Jan 02 at 12:50 PM

Thank you for this Spinoza, thank you Einstein



Jan 02 at 03:30 AM

Mon, 1/1 at 6PM EST

An exclusive
live Q&A with Jason
to ring in the new year! - I can't find this link

Did the" special announcements" etc replace it?


Dec 28 at 02:33 PM

Gratitude*Connection Purpose Money  - This exactly is what happened in November and December