Deborah Bernard

Moncton, Canada

Sometimes we need to step away from the forest, to see the trees.

The way the media tells us to look over here, not over there. I always look at the whole picture.  Thank you for all you do Jason. I love this family of ours.  Hugs.


Nov 22 at 11:51 AM

The first time I saw this I believed Mr. Lazar. It's time we get on with accepting the fact that we have UFOs and Aliens, non-entities that have visited this planet from the beginning of time. The only reason that I can conclude as to why the Governments want to hide these facts from the Population, is because of money and control.... period!

Commented on TRANCE

Oct 11 at 07:06 AM

Yes, disturbing to learn, however,  necessary to understand. Love and Light to the victims from then and now.

Oct 11 at 06:44 AM

Question everything, But Ray did say the 3 things we must do to be ready for the codes. Jason says we need to do the work.  They are messengers to bring us awareness, so we can share with those we Love. Meditate with good intentions, every day.   peace, Love and light to each of you.

Commented on First Contact

Sep 03 at 04:03 AM

do we have to do the medication to have us release the  trauma

Sep 03 at 12:27 AM

I'm bombarding  the evil doers with white light, love , good vibration.  The more we can send the harder it will be for them to continue this war to God's children. 

Jun 25 at 06:48 AM

We would love a healing center in New Brunswick Canada!! Thank you for what you both do :) God Bless you both


Commented on TRANCE

May 24 at 09:57 PM

Wow, just Wow.....I am without words. :(