Michael Baska

Overland Park, KS, United States

Roger unfortunately our politicians have corrupted the intention of the original fore fathers and have completely high jacked our country. The United States of America went bankrupt 3 times and Russell-Jay: Gould is now the true Commander and Chief and Post Master General who saved our flag from getting captured. But our country and government turned into a corporation and is now basically a cabal.

Also, just because 1 family funded Hitler's rise to power, and before we knew what was actually happening, that happens to also have their hands in with the greedy politicians, does NOT mean that "America", Americans as a whole, nor its government funded him. THAT FAMILY did. There are also many other familys around the world, the super rich, that funded BOTH SIDES! I get her point though, too. But the way she says it will bristle Americans. And unfortunately our police has become nothing more than a militarized army against its own citizens and to protect the politicians and their familie


Love Danielle and her insight! Already a member on her cosmic body site, which is awesome! Great info with alot of points that will help us keep certain things in our awareness to create a better tomorrow. Wish there was a date for a worldwide guided meditation day to help raise our collective awareness and maybe help stop certain negative events from happening, and more positive ones instead. Anyways, thank you both so much for your time and sharing with us! 1 ❤️

Mar 23 at 07:07 PM

colleen you've got to understand that he is also putting his life at risk for your "entertainment". And this is Jason's platform, not TLS, albeit he is their spokes person, it is still his platform and business and it must be self sustaining somehow. And does this man not deserve to be paid for his time and hard work? And idk what you're talking about 3/4 good shows. There is barely anything on here I wouldn't want to watch. There is sooo much information packed value in this platform. I agree the price is high, I pay over $20/mo., though I choose to because I think it's more important than 99% of the other streaming apps out there. Gas, food, meds, transportation, ect is all extremely high. Things will get worse before they get better. Is this information important enough for you to know, so as to have a chance to prepare, or is it more important to be able to have your Will & Grace, RHONJ, 90 Day Fiance shows? In fact, not sure why I'm writing this because I know ur not here anymore


Mar 14 at 06:09 AM

Same here... but then it's hard sometimes to seperate angry with passion

Replied on DISCLOSURE 1-3 Q&A

Mar 13 at 03:17 PM

mcS there is one in my city, but I would love to open another one

mickey Gavin while it's true most of us have the opportunity to be able to turn things around. Unfortunately, not many of the population has the resources or the know how, and are low in motivation from years of struggling just to barely keep their heads afloat. You never know anyone's circumstances and struggles they have to face, nor if they have a support system or not. Otherwise, none of us can do this alone. Even you had people help you along the way. Some people don't have anyone and are completely alone. Don't be so quick to judge. I know you meant well and was trying to get people to see a different POV. I just suggest being a little more humble and graceful in understanding this point.

Mar 07 at 08:20 PM

Ren You are never alone! You got us! 😉


Mar 07 at 04:12 PM

This has nothing to do with this interview, but if the point is to raise human consciousness, why aren't we organizing Unifyd concerts and gatherings for this spring and summer? Especially now all the Covid crap is subsided

Mar 07 at 04:11 PM

Samuel is so humble and this is such a great interview continuation! Thank you guys for sharing and your time! My only questions are more centered on Jesus/Christ/Yeshua... Very intrigued on hearing more about the possibility of 2 different Jesus's written as one man/God? And the theory of 2 by Jesus' greeting to His Mother as Woman. Which is obviously intentional. Also, kind of a more Biblical question, but it says that there are more books in the world written about more of Jesus' miracles he performed, than they could be recorded in the Gospels, but where are they? Because I don't know of very many other historically accurate writings describing these miracles? Were they destroyed in the Library of Alexander? How does Yeshua fit into all of this? Because there are many different theories/"truths" out there, even here from what Samuel says and what Ray said. So what is the actual historical truth, good and bad?

Mar 07 at 06:01 AM

Awesome info and interview! Going to get the book rn! Can't wait for the next interview either! 🙌 Let The Truths Be Known
