Michael Baska

Overland Park, KS, United States

Sep 18 at 08:31 PM

Thank you. I've always known we weren't being told the truth about Ukraine and the actual agendas going on. This puts a lot into perspective and explains a lot. I am terrified of a NATO One World Government and we need to really be educated to what is really happening so we can do our part


Sep 12 at 09:50 PM

Question- it's not really clear if a man, having certain female energies mixed with his masculine, can have the same higher level of spiritual awareness as a woman, and could lift up a prayer to the same level as a woman, while also being a conduit of the light? I understand needing both man and woman to complete the cycle and obtain a full Circle commune with Source. I'm more curious to the prayer and energy section though

Sep 12 at 07:04 PM

Question- So, after watching Land of Darkness and this. If I truly want to elevate a friend out of the LOD, who committed suicide, because his wife had an affair and was leaving him for his best friend, I need to find a min of 9 other min to be able to lift the prayers enough to reach the light and have an effect? And for a year? Idk if alot of people can do this, but I certainly can't leave my friend there. I have barely slept since I heard about LOD coming out, and even less since seeing it the day it was released. Not sure I understand the reasoning for waiting for the next part of the interview for another month, especially after this one is so heavy... Just a suggestion to keep the content in mind as well as the releasing of... I think a month is a long time for people to wait with all this stirring in their heads, not to mention with the added stress of US election coming up and all the other craziness going on. Just my POV, IM Extremely grateful for ALL the content and don't mean any disrespect. I just think it's valuable to get honest feedback from your subscribers. Much love and blessings to you! 1 ❤️

Replied on TLS Update

Aug 29 at 01:15 AM

Gotta take everything with a grain of salt people


Aug 10 at 05:48 AM

Urszula Dorfman they are SPIRITUAL Teachings intended within the Jewish Religion, as well as another major ancient religion. Stop looking at the base level and look deeper. You will never be given the insights, spiritual connection, and true meaning of spirituality because it can't be explained in simple terms and isn't something that can be given, nor to be taken lightly, and only shown the door to. It's up to you to go through it.


Jul 10 at 03:58 AM

We are waiting for an "official statement," because then there will be no more debate about their existence and people won't be able to deny it anymore. Not only that, but they are the ones with all the info they collected over the decades, so we want to know everything that they've discovered, especially technology, like free energy, that will completely better our world, especially those suffering of even the most basic of necessities


Commented on Hello fellow humans!

Jul 07 at 11:49 PM

I'm from KC Too!

Jul 07 at 11:38 PM

Roger where did you get all of this info?

Jun 02 at 04:39 AM

Nicklaus Faust spring water

Me either