Tim Ashley

Oct 11 at 04:32 PM

why are we showing Ray's face all of a sudden, albeit with a mask on?? open mind, just a valid question. long time subscriber and awake by the way, i question everything and i question all motives. interested in peoples opinions on this ❤️

i saw the antidote when it was released and it was a real eye-opener. In terms of the nicotine combating the snake venom, what about the graphene oxide? does nicotine eradicate this also?


Commented on The ANTIDOTE

Nov 13 at 06:36 AM

There is Magnesium Oxide in Nicorette gums. However, Dr Ardis explains Magnesium is a NO GO in this instance. Could seem contradictory, so I need someone to explain as I don't know if the M Oxide is safe in comparison to straight-up Magnesium? Thanks.

Commented on The ANTIDOTE

Oct 24 at 08:04 AM

So much info to unpack and I'm a little confused. So a Nicotine patch or gum in the levels Dr Ardis described will heal un-vaxxed and also vaxxed family members/friends by expelling the venom proteins, and they musn't consume Magnesium for at least 3 months. Great, i'm down with that. However, he then mentions 4 further cures  such as EDTA, Cystines, Vit C and Glutathione.  So when should these be used if Nicotine does the trick? or should they be used in conjunction with Nictotine? Can this be broken down simply? Thanks.

Commented on Forming the Formless

Jul 18 at 11:00 AM

I had never connected the dots ref food colour and the chakras. Awesome!