Barry Jenkins

North Fort Myers, FL, United States

Retired gifted and special needs teacher. Taught in an international school in Seoul, Korea for ten years. Live in caregiver presently.

Sep 17 at 06:26 AM


Sep 13 at 01:43 PM

Do pry smoke lesson


I catch Benjamin Fulford's blog on occasionally notice he brings up The White Dragon Society a lot. Perhaps an interview with him would be enlightening.


Round table discussions about certain organizations and/or individuals within the alternative media. Theres so much distortion and conflicting info. Examples: Corey Goode, David Wilson, Kerry Cassidy, Simon Parkes, Kim Goguen Phil Godlewsky, Dr. Salla. Book club that group reads and critiques good enlightening reads. A series showing examples from movies of how Cabal tell us what they will do. Examples of impeded messages in songs, movies, etc. Movement to put music back to correct resonance frequency.


Love the THRIVE videos! So much info! Perhaps a succinct update, or list of important groups. Action Committee ideas.


Would love a series on the Laws of the universe that TLS and our other friends out there must follow. As we should also


Eckert Tolle, the teacher and author. 
