Barry Jenkins

North Fort Myers, FL, United States

Retired gifted and special needs teacher. Taught in an international school in Seoul, Korea for ten years. Live in caregiver presently.

Feb 01 at 06:53 PM

Yeah right! That's a lot of chaff! More like let's stop the trucks and folks coming to close the southern border perhaps!


Jan 30 at 09:09 AM

This spoke to me, today! Thank you! And the one about choices. I keep rereading it and no why. Wow!


Jan 30 at 09:07 AM

I don't even think it has to be live streaming When I allow myself to let go and get out of my head when listening to Damien Wynne, mystical, wonderful things happen and it certainly isn't live. Perhaps it's me clearing enough to connect.

Jan 30 at 09:01 AM

Excellent analogy! The ego is like a weed that intertwines itself in the beautiful plant, preventing it from thriving! This reminds me of something I read. It said that if parents tell their children from an early age that their main task is to explore and find their unique passion/ purpose they will never have to fret about a career or $. Of course, provided they learn to use that unique purpose to benefit humanity in some way.

Jan 29 at 07:49 PM

Your understanding is like mine as well. Recently somewhere, perhaps Bashar. I'm not sure. It was said that ego can be useful when aligned. It didn't seem to follow what I absorbed through reading Eckert Tolle, and of course UNIFYD. What you stated resonates with my experience. Thank you!


Jan 29 at 05:08 PM

Does the ego have to die or, as I've heard, align with your higher self?

Jan 29 at 04:55 PM



Jan 29 at 02:54 PM

Diane Beilstein I no longer subscribe to Gaia. It would be interesting to find it and listen after so much has happened.

Jan 29 at 02:52 PM

Diane Beilstein Davenport IA? I ONCE LIVED IN Iowa City on Burlington Street and visited Davenport several times.

Jan 29 at 08:01 AM

Years ago I started listening to George Nory on GAIA. He also had or has a radio show. He was part of my awakening. Yes, I would love it if Jason would interview him and several others, like Corey Goode, David Wilcock, and Kerry Cassidy.