Rea Hailley

Mission, Canada

Nov 14 at 10:23 PM

I read a lot of comments about people wanting to work with TLS. I get that, it was my initial reaction, too, I wish I would be one of them. But I learned to understand that it really doesn't depend on how much we want it, but more on what they see we could do for what they need to accomplish. If there is something we have that gets their attention, they will find us.  It's not an easy job, it's not for everybody, most people would have a really hard time working incognito, even if the good intentions and the willingness are there. It's not about our personal desires, but more about what or who is needed for the greater good. At the same time, while not all of us can be a TLS member, let's focus on doing our best to become that enlightened society with the knowledge we are gaining from them, spread the word, promote awareness, you still contribute that way. Trust that you are not any less special because they didn't recruit you, they will find you if you are whom they need. 

Nov 14 at 09:48 PM

Too many people focus on the interviewing style of Cerena. I don't think she didi anything wrong. Let's just hear what answers she gets out of him, interruptions or not, don't you love the content? I loved it just the way it was. 

Nov 14 at 09:43 PM

I disagree, I thought she was great, the conversation was fluent and organic, they are friends, and they didn't think they should be too formal with each other. 


Nov 13 at 03:55 PM

Jason is so fluent and well-rehearsed with every answer, he is such a good teacher. As a member here for a while, I see him growing into his role as the spokesperson for TLS so strongly, it's wonderful to witness his escalating confidence, and this is just the beginning! He sounds so literate and educated, I have never heard a more mature 26-year-old, excellent pick by TLS. Thank you all who contributed to the creation of this platform and this collection of the best informational videos. 


Nov 13 at 03:09 PM

I am surprised to see comments here criticizing the interviewer. I think the exact opposite, she asked just the right questions a novice Unifyd member or a sceptic unfamiliar with Jason's work would ask. There are and will be a lot more people who fall into this category than people who have read the Pyramid Code and understand these things. I didn't find her interruptions bothersome, either.  They let us know that they were friends, their conversation was just flowing organically with less formality. I didn't pick up anything disrespectful. I liked that she said she wanted to film his face with a dedicated close-up camera, and she made it clear that if she would detect anything she would expose it. That's what you want from a n investigative journalist, and us who are already here, we know that that's not going to happen. It didn't faze Jason, either, he encouraged her attitude. If i wanted someone new to learn about TLS these are the videos I would show them. 

Aug 27 at 05:35 PM

I can strongly relate to the events described in this film. I had a dog whom I was very connected to, we were inseparable for 7 years. I knew that when he will transition, I will start a new spiritual journey, I will be inspired to learn about misteries of this world more than ever. As he was taking his last few breaths in my arms 6 years ago, instead of sadness, I felt being rather honoured. I remember saying: so this is it, the start of a greater adventure, staying connected even beyond this point in life. Because of this, I discovered so much about the greater truth, spirituality and wisdom since then. At the same time, I started noticing that about 95% of the time when I open my phone, the time displayed has double or triple digits. I started taking screenshots every time it happened. I have thousands of those pics. I still see them, but I stopped taking pics, I was running out of storage fast. I also know that the univers wants to get my attention in those moments. So powerful


Dr. David E Martin, Dr. Zach Bush, Mikki Willis, Brent Atwater
