Rea Hailley

Mission, Canada

Many years ago in Canada during the electoral campaigns for the new prime minister of Canada, there was a new party running, they called themselves the Natural Party (if I remember correctly). Their idea was to have nationwide neditation seasons scheduled with millions of people across the country meditating at the same time for the same thing, for peace, for abundance, or for whatever humanity needs, promoting the power of thoughts. That would have been their way of ruling. I thought it was a fantastic idea. But of corse, not too many others did. People weren’t ready, they didn’t get many votes.


Nov 03 at 08:54 PM

Cindy ghysel Cindy ghysel I think Facebook got weird with AI lately. Last week I posted a promotional post, not mine, but in order to get a free promotional app the app maker asked to post his offer on Facebook. I did such posts many times in the past, but I always set the post being only visible by me, because I don’t want to bother any of my friends with commercial posts. It was never a problem before, but last time Facebook messaged me to let me know that they deleted my post, (even though it was set to be viewed by me only?!), their reasoning was that it appeared as if I would want to get too many likes with that post. So don’t take it personally. It’s their not so intelligent AI.

It’s exciting to learn that someone who lost her vision has regained it with the nicotine patch, thank you for sharing.


We the people have more power than we think but few realizes what we can actually do. There is a way that us, the people can get back and take down these criminals who impose these kind of taside agreements upon us. We have to start writing letters called “Notice of Liability” and serve them to whoever complies with their harmful mandates. This method works the same in every country, and people have had great successes with it. I am just learning myself, if you are interested, go to or google/youtube/rumble Cal Washington, the founder, or an other great source to learn is or google/youtube/rumble Miki Klann.

Replied on 05/22/2024 - Replay

Jun 05 at 03:12 AM

Thanks, Nanna, it’s a great information, I’ve known about it since my childhood, my mom taught me. But it’s called the Silva mind control method, please, edit your post. Thank you again.

Replied on HEAL

Nov 14 at 11:52 PM

I totally understand how you feel and unfortunately so many people are feeling the same. Meanwhile the system is pushing people to accept invasive and toxic treatments that enrich big pharma beyond our imagination. The general awareness has to shift for it to change before better treatments become available for everybody. It saddens me to witness today’s situation though and I wish to have a magic wand to instantly help it. But I don’t have one, so let’s just keep focusing together for that change to come, me too, I love Joe Dispenza’s teaching. While I myself personally don’t have a miracle healing story to tell, my mother did. She has healed herself twice from illnesses that were said to be permanent or needed surgery, with reflexology massage to herself. She made a tumor on her uterus disappear and her surgery could be cancelled, and she also reversed her glaucoma that was so bad, doctors couldn’t believe it. You can find reflexology charts online. Try it, you will only benefit


Nov 14 at 11:35 PM

Exactly, Adela, I agree with you. Thank you.

Nov 14 at 11:22 PM

Dan HIt's because we try, but we are not perfect, nobody is perfect, and perfection in every way is not always the focus.  Too much criticism is low vibration, maybe lower than occasional mishaps. I was very happy and excited about the interviews, until I noticed that so many people are critical about her rather than feeling the essence of what came out of the interviews. That made me feel more low vibe than hearing her swear. It bothered me so I commented on it, and now I feel like I am defending something I have never done wrong. Lets stop, please. 


Nov 14 at 10:53 PM

Dan HThere is nothing wrong with asking questions, we should be asking questions.  And I don't disagree with you on what courtesy is, I taught my children to be courteous, at the same time I also wouldn't get offended by occasional interruptions, we all do it, more or less, and we all try not to do it, also. But sometimes that formal courtesy, that perfectness is not the focus of the dialogue.  I am going with their flow and I enjoy their conversations the way they are very much. 


Nov 14 at 10:43 PM

Adela PartilaThank you, Adela, casual is the best word to describe her style.
