Chrystal Orduz

Dallas, TX, United States

Sep 16 at 01:21 PM

Sagittarius moon in the 11th house - never full understood it


Sep 09 at 10:51 AM

This is very interesting, and putting many pieces together for me that I have learned regarding the esoteric nature of reality. What I think Ray is speaking to is the 8th sphere/moon realm/lower astral plane/hell realm and witnessed the second death process of a soul. Second death is when a soul that had not healed and faced their shadows in their waking life endures a “second death” which forces that process to occur upon death in order to trasmute the soul and spiritualize in order to move into higher planes and avoid the reincarnation process. This process is very painful, and could be a reason why humans in the highest controlling order of society are trying to avoid death with inorganic life extension technologies (I refuse to call them elite). If they do not avoid, they face the consequences of second death or the darkness ray speaks to. From a materialist/3D understanding it is the alchemical process the soul endures in order to transform the physics of their spirit to move into higher dimensions. Whatever healing and shadow work does, its causes frequency/physics changes needed to ascend into higher dimensions.

The realm he is speaking to is the next dimension above ours. We hear of the most wealthy classes conjuring and working with beings from this lower astral area thinking they are “gods” when they aren’t. They are looking for hosts to enter the life wave once again. If anyone is familiar with the work of Rudolph Steiner (anthroposophy)/blavatsky (theosphophy)/edgar Casey (channelings of Atlantis) - there is much overlap to what he is saying. That is very important and positive because it’s a confirmation from an unassociated source regarding spirituality and our esoteric nature as humans. If anyone is familiar with what I am saying or resonates please comment. This resonates and is very helpful to my spiritual journey! Thank you Jason and Ray!

Aug 21 at 01:44 PM

Leo ♌️ 🌞 Sagittarius ♐️ 🌕 Capricorn ♑️ rising ⬆️


This conversation was so activating! I have seen the face of Orion in my awakening dream back in 2019 right before COVID hit. I was inside the pyramid with an empty tomb within a chamber, with everything lit up in gold. While walking through, I saw (what I thought) was hieroglyphs and a giant face that looked like a thin lined face drawing. Of coarse it was a powerful dream but also dismissed the giant face because it wasn’t a typical hieroglyph. Turns out it’s the face of Orion!!! The hieroglyphs were the petroglyphs mentioned. As well mentioning of Arcturus all through out this conversation which is my star fam or the group I’m most pulled to. Idk what to do with this info but I am digesting because I am such a literal person even though I am deeply connected to all this information and community. Wow! I’ll be following Robert much more. Thank you Jason. If this resonates with you reading please reach out to connect and talk!


Commented on TRANCE

May 24 at 10:42 AM

Thank you for being brave and a light in this world Kathy! Thank you Kathy for showing humanity that we can heal from heinous traumas, still welcome in humanity, and love. We need more of this in the world, to still be willing to trust and allow the best people have to offer despite all odds. The ending brought tears to my eyes and feelings of joy ♥️


Replied on post was deleted

May 23 at 09:33 PM

So happy others are familiar with it!

Commented on post was deleted

May 23 at 09:15 PM

Are we talking X39 Lifewave?? :)