Abdul Akeb Anvari

City of London, United Kingdom

Nov 23 at 09:13 PM

My favorite series.

Nov 16 at 11:56 AM

Where is part 4?  😭😭😭

Christopher Everard.

Jul 28 at 02:37 PM

Sarah Hamel I incline towards the view that God is uncreated light.

Jul 28 at 12:10 PM

But what is the essence; of that bit of God, that is in us?

Jul 28 at 11:34 AM

Sarah Hamel Even if you believe that there is a piece of God inside us, that still doesn't make us God. Because we still can't do what God can do.

Jul 28 at 11:22 AM

But doesn't God mean infinite power and infinite knowledge? 
