Lisa S

Toronto, Canada

Aug 21 at 09:22 PM


Commented on TRANCE

Aug 19 at 09:31 PM

Not really related, but the female narrator sounds like the same female voice used for dubbing The Black Widow

Aug 19 at 05:19 PM

Scorpio. But in Vedic, I’m Taurus rising with cancer moon


Aug 17 at 10:18 AM

They said that also in Canada but now they are saying it has just spread quickly in the gay community. They say there are 2 variations and the one spreading now is much more dangerous, so of course, people should get vaccinated. Snd the pictures they use really help with the fear factor


Aug 17 at 10:02 AM

Is it possible this becomes the next pandemic instead of avian flu? Or is this just a warm up?

Aug 16 at 10:44 PM

Roseanne Barr


Aug 15 at 09:25 PM

More headlines again today, calling it MPox


Aug 15 at 09:28 AM

Wondering if other countries are noticing this?



Aug 14 at 10:42 PM

I'm noticing a lot of headlines today about the WHO declaring Monkey Pox as a global health emergency. Could a pandemic declaration and lockdowns be coming next. The articles are warning the more dangerous version is spreading, which has a 10% death rate for all who get it. According to the articles it's spreading in Canada and vaccinations are being urged. Maybe they are hoping the fear factor of the pictures will scare people into getting vaccinated.


Aug 10 at 03:38 PM

Rachael streverAgree! What I do is to help those who maybe don't quite have the energy or aren't in a place where they feel they can do this themselves. I believe one day, as we move into the age of love, everyone will be able to do this!