Lisa S

Toronto, Canada


Nov 14 at 05:08 PM

Sorry for bringing politics here, but maybe with RFK  as health secretary, he will be able to end these time changes every fall and spring! A lot of countries have figured out that they aren't good for our biological rhythm, and have done away with them for various reasons. I hope the US will finally put an end to them so the remaining countries that have them, can follow suit!


Aug 14 at 10:42 PM

I'm noticing a lot of headlines today about the WHO declaring Monkey Pox as a global health emergency. Could a pandemic declaration and lockdowns be coming next. The articles are warning the more dangerous version is spreading, which has a 10% death rate for all who get it. According to the articles it's spreading in Canada and vaccinations are being urged. Maybe they are hoping the fear factor of the pictures will scare people into getting vaccinated.



Dec 12 at 05:22 PM

An interesting astrological explanation about the "Devil's Comet"


Nov 26 at 05:09 PM

Where can we find the next chapter of Rays of Light? I'm an annual member, but can't seem to find it.



Sep 15 at 09:57 PM

Shana Tova - happy new year!


Sep 15 at 09:22 PM

Just saw a video on Russell Brand's youtube. Mainstream media is going after him now. Seems like they are going after him for putting out truth. 



Jul 04 at 12:05 PM

So for all who see the movie, there is an option to pay it forward and buy tickets for someone else who might not be able to afford to see it… now, after watching the movie, I posted about it on fb, and one of my friends, a retired teacher who is supporting an elderly mother, and tight on cash, was able to get free tickets and is going to see it. I think this is so amazing. 🤍🙏🤍



Jul 03 at 11:38 AM

Sound of freedom day in Canada!



May 24 at 10:09 PM

Cherry blossoms from April