Margaret Carley

Aug 08 at 11:50 AM

UNIFYD TV Great, thanks


Aug 07 at 05:02 PM

Is tomorrow’s session to be based on the most popular comments, which are that Ray talks on what he sees most relevant at the current time rather than being asked questions? See these most favoured comments as a reference point.

Aug 03 at 03:26 PM

I agree Faith. I said as much in my comment of a few days ago. Do you agree with mine?


Aug 01 at 05:35 AM

Please, let us get out of our heads and simple let Ray give us the information he judges to be the most important for us in these end times. Please Jason, with all due respect, let him be asked a one sentence question , perhaps on the above theme and then give him the floor for the hour to share his wisdom as he sees relevant.


Feb 22 at 01:00 PM

Jason, my comment is for you sent with love. Please read Jean Francois Comeau’s comment and consider. He makes a very valid point and I agree with him. I have followed all your interviews with Ray and would respectfully suggest as follows - Please ask questions concisely, as Ray said in one interview and I quote “ Give it to me in one line”. Let him speak and answer - I want to hear him. Be aware of the tone of the interviews which can come across as an interrogation. Also don’t labour a point Ray doesn’t want to speak about it. Please let him have free flow to share his experience and seek a different forum to clarify any points confusing yourself. Let me now thank you in deepest gratitude for putting yourself out there to bring us this information. In truth, many of us understand this intuitively, from our deepest memories. Any elaboration will come from Ray’s memory and sharing of his experience far more authentically than any intellectual cross examination.