Peter Sklivas

Beverly, MA, United States

Commented on Episode 7

Aug 24 at 09:12 PM

Wow! As a seasoned yogi & Himalayan trekker, I love Ananda , Adam & so many of riders and passengers. Mostly I gotta admit, I love those mountains. Nice job editing the material to create thematic narratives w/n each episode. I find myself delighted by the personal dramas arising followed by moments of transcendence or physical challenge. 

Commented on Episode 1

Aug 22 at 09:33 AM

Rishikesh is my fav sacred spot b/c of Ganga.  Interesting pitch 4 tv series. 


Aug 21 at 02:10 PM

Portal to Pleiadians offers great opportunity to expose much larger audience to Starseed Awakening. TY Roxy, Peter & Jason! Let's Evolve Together Today! 5D+ is Here Now! So many of us came to Terra thousands of years ago to raise the vibrational love frequency. 

The key trauma to heal is original incarnation from Starseed into 1st Human Body. That shock was s/t none of us could have anticipated. We thought it would take 1 or 2 lifetimes to accomplish the mission. Unfortunately this original trauma has triggered many starseeds to avoid one another (or even attack one another) in order to avoid dealing with the pain of this injury.  We came to elevate planetary consciousness. Now is our time to cocreate planetary awakening. Let's do it! 


Aug 20 at 06:01 PM

I got a novel idea. When U post the teaser, how provide a date for Episode 1. I know it's crazy. But what can I say ... I"m a crazy Sovereign Yogi. 

Justin Paul Abraham - Company of Burning Hearts.   Devotion trumps religion.  Robert Edward Grant (Spiritual Scientific Renaissance Man for our time).