Asana Desiree

Oct 31 at 06:09 PM

It's pretty amazing once you know huh?

Commented on sharing 'the wealth'

Oct 27 at 06:03 PM

Nice job my friend. NC is beautiful. Happy you got to go to a System there.


Oct 15 at 11:43 PM

Yessssss!  Beautifully said sister!  If we could but teach the world the importance of this....what a beautiful world it wold be! 

Oct 15 at 11:41 PM

Wow, sister....what a beautifully vulnerable share.  Thank you for that.  I'm happy for you.  I wish everyone "unconditional love".  It's a beautiful and blessed gift should we be able to receive it.  So happy for you! 


Oct 13 at 10:07 AM

It’s custom made. Maybe ask a creative builder in your circle?

Oct 12 at 07:15 PM

In the ole Jimmy Cagney voice over  "Oh a real wise guy eh".   😂.  hehe 

Replied on Love Heals

Oct 10 at 05:14 AM

Amen Sister 💕😘

Oct 08 at 09:54 PM

Yesssssss....Of Course!!!!!!! 😘

Oct 08 at 04:28 PM

Charity HawkI'm an open book here too....Love that!  Thanks!  I was just wondering as to how deeply you've been affected.  Everyone handles the deep truths in their own unique way.  Thanks so much for the connection.  Big Hugs my friend!  😀


Oct 04 at 07:42 PM

Charity HawkI'm so sorry to hear of your challenges.  The truth is that even Organic is contaminated these days.  The gas almost all fruit (yes even organic) and they do not have to tell us because it's for "freshness in shipping". But there's a lot of cross contamination regardless.  Did you receive the C19 Jab?  I would suggest a detox of sorts....but lest knowing more about your issues I can not personalize my suggestions beyond that.  
