Asana Desiree

Jan 09 at 08:12 PM

Akhi I have not but I’m sure would be fascinating.

Jan 08 at 07:49 PM

Akhi love this input my friend. Beautifully said. Thank you for sharing! 🙏🏻

Commented on Facts.

Jan 06 at 10:40 AM

Truth right here!


Jan 05 at 10:21 PM

Oh I definitely believe…. Call it God or whatever you may. Believe or not. It doesn’t need believed in, to exist.


Jan 05 at 01:59 PM

I’m happy it resonated with you. Blessings & love right back at ya sister. 💕🙏🏻😘


Jan 04 at 01:28 AM

So happy you resonated with it!

Jan 03 at 04:41 PM

Happy you enjoyed it! Yw

Jan 01 at 10:52 AM

Yay!  The more people that believe the more power that rolls forward with it!  Love it!  Thanks for your belief sister!  Same to you!  🙏💜

Jan 01 at 02:24 AM

Wonderful.....they more we try, the more opportunity for success!  Best of success to you my friend! 

Dec 30 at 09:39 PM

Yes authorities are involved.