Asana Desiree

Replied on Why?

Aug 29 at 10:38 AM

Rain Crow Agreed...No True Compassionate, connected loving Human Being could ever understand their atrocities and agenda.  I'm so happy you are still with the ones that "see".  😘


Replied on Intimacy

Aug 29 at 01:45 AM

We are ONE after all.....💜


Replied on Be Extraordinary

Aug 29 at 01:44 AM

VANDORN HINNANT Beautifully synchronistic of course!  Love is always the way.....Is your book in English by chance?  Sounds intriguing!  


Commented on Why?

Aug 28 at 10:09 PM

It’s all about depopulation and total world control. Once you can see that it sadly makes more sense. 😢

Commented on The Great Awakening

Aug 28 at 10:07 PM

Yessssss! 💜🙏🏻😘

Replied on Written by a Man

Aug 28 at 10:06 PM

There really are good men in the world. Ty for your support !


Replied on Written by a Man

Aug 28 at 07:31 PM

My Pleasure.  It would have been a disservice to keep it to myself!  TY ! 😀

Happy to share!  😀

There is power in numbers, I'm sure you're aware of this.  So happy you listened and allowed it into your heart!  Blessings to you! 🙏💜

That's such a gift...wonderful my friend!