Asana Desiree


Sep 10 at 06:49 PM

If you feel you need to explain yourself, they are probably not your people.


Sep 10 at 06:42 PM


Sep 10 at 04:39 PM

We have every right to speak up when someone disrespects us, disregards our needs, or minimizes our feelings.
It matters….
It’s not being oversensitive, rude, or dramatic to speak up.
It's honoring the essence of God within.


Sep 10 at 04:35 PM

Here’s to knowing silence is sometimes better than having the last word.


Sep 10 at 04:17 PM

Love is not about attachment, ownership or control.
Love is about the time we spend with each other.
The moment we make it about “us” or our own personal gain, our own needs, or controlling another, it’s no longer love.
It then becomes about ego, fear, and our own unresolved issues.
A mindful, compassionate, kind being wishes for happiness, joy, and love for others.
Which means we have to be mindful of ourselves and continually be willing to do the work to allow others to just “be”.
The work is not the easy path…
Love for others is setting them free from our ideas of who we wish them to be and accepting them for who they are.
Sometimes love looks like letting go….
And sometimes Love is allowing them to pass us by.
But it’s all in the name of love 💕



Sep 10 at 03:42 PM

Nothing you have today will last forever…..Not your job, your house, or your car….. Not the people who are closest to you….. Not even the people who vowed to never leave your side.
Take a moment and accept that life is ever changing so in time you have to be with your loved ones, find gratitude in their presence for Someday those people will no longer be around, and you can’t possibly know when that time will be…. Cherish so, the time while you can.
Just a gentle reminder.


Sep 04 at 06:44 PM


Sep 04 at 06:43 PM

What doesn’t serve us



Sep 04 at 06:42 PM


Sep 04 at 06:41 PM