People don’t change unless they choose to. No amount of begging or shaming, No amount of reasoning, emoting, or tough love will make it happen. There’s only one thing that influences change: one’s own realization that they want/need to. And there’s only one time when it will happen: when they’re ready.
In the meantime, don’t shame or blame them. Live by the golden rule: treat them how you would want to be treated. Boundaries are a huge player in this…. Model healthy love….
We think over 6,000 thoughts a day. Did you know that a thought can be measured through light and energy waves? Which translates into… our thoughts create outcomes which become our reality. Because these waves are known, it’s also been known, for a very long time, that they can be controlled and manipulated. Where in your life have you “allowed” outside influences effect beliefs or decisions? We are so much more than we’ve been allowed to know. The Awakening is about learning these truths and more . Happy Awakening my friends 😘
The higher the CO2 in the atmosphere, the more food is created for free, all over the world. Crops and trees love CO2. Terraforming is the attack on the atmosphere to achieve global famine by removing CO2 from the atmosphere in order to cause global famine and crop failures. Take care of yourself, your family, your chosen family, and your community.