Asana Desiree


Aug 31 at 12:36 AM

We are strong because we have weathered the storm but we are still soft enough to love to dance in the rain...



Aug 30 at 12:45 AM

“Medicine is that which GOD has provided to WORK with your body and soul at the cellular level and beyond ... so as to assist your body and soul in restoring divine order.”

— Dr. H —


Aug 29 at 02:12 PM

It’s not for the faint of heart 💜


Aug 29 at 02:09 PM

What are you refusing to see in your own life?


Aug 29 at 02:07 PM

We’re all connected



Aug 29 at 02:04 PM

This is a dear brother on the path


Aug 27 at 11:58 PM


The awakened/awakening divine feminine wants more. She craves your depth of consciousness. Your stillness. Your rock like presence in her life. Your leadership. She's looking for the structure to her beautiful chaos. Her compliment. Not some wishy washy man who doesn't know how to keep his house in order or not know when or how to stand up.

Even deeper... She wants a man who knows how to sit down. She craves a man who can sit with himself, and so with her. She craves a man who knows how to face what most men aren't willing to face. To sit in the shadows of his consciousness and get to the root of his issues. To be still enough to hear the beckoning voice inside.

She craves a man who is courageous enough to do what he KNOWS he must do to serve this world with his heart. To step fully and presently into his purpose. To devote his life to his mission. And to commit to his growth and his true Benevolent heart, fully.

She wants a man who is here to serve THROUGH his depth. And she won't settle for less. Not this woman. Not the one who has spent her whole life getting to this moment of realizing who she truly is and what she truly wants. Settling is for the birds. She wants a man. Not a boy. A man has gone through the initiations into another dimension. A higher level of conscious creation. He has risen from the child within and has claimed his stake in the world. He moves with agility, adaptability, purpose, and love. He leads with a fire inside. To serve those within his circle and expand his kingdom. To reflect the love he has for himself into the world around him. To reach down and pull others up by penetrating them so deeply they can't help but to see the truth of WHO they are. She wants a man who can lead her. Not tame her. But claim her. And she won't be "claimed" by someone who hasn't even claimed himself.

I see women all over the world growing at an exponential rate.
Waiting. Waiting. Waiting.
For their "man" to DO the same. Yet she won't wait forever. Because she KNOWS what she's worth now. And she will only give herself open to someone if she can trust him. And she won't trust him if he doesn't even trust himself. Who would? A man who trusts himself KNOWS. He is in tune with his intuition. His beautiful mind. His loving benevolent heart. And his fiery depth.

She's had enough of watching her "man" play small. She's had enough of watching him crumble away doing the things he hates. She's sat through enough grief watching the potential get wasted. The potential of what both she AND he KNOW he can be. The boring conversations. The lack luster attitude. The aggravation and anger from a life unfulfilling leaking into every part of his life and hers. It's time for men to own their shit. It's time for men to be men again. To take responsibility. To lead their OWN life. A life that THEY choose. A life that THEY create through their conscious action. It's time for men to put themselves through the trials, the initiations and the rights of passage necessary to be able to rightfully claim his crown. 👑
And so his Queen.

She wants a man, not a boy. A magician, not a prankster. She wants a lover. Not someone who takes something from her. She wants a warrior. Not some hero seeking validation. She wants a King. Never a tyrant. She may have put up with the fun little games before. She had to go to the deepest depths of herself to find out who she really is. And now she knows what's possible. Now she is hungry. Now she's calling you out. Now she is telling you to claim what is yours or BE GONE!

She wants a good man. A loving man. A caring man. A man on a mission. A Benevolent man. A wise, conscious, and intelligent man. And the WORLD needs these men more than ever.

✒ Ryan Polin



Aug 27 at 11:44 PM

Getting close to someone demands that we also get close to ourselves. That’s the nature of true intimacy. When our heart opens to another, it also opens to ourself. Love excavates everything alive within us- including our unresolved shadow- in an effort to bring all that we are into the light of connection. It wants the whole of us to be present for the experience. It wants the whole of us to heal. Then our experience of intimacy is something more than a reach for the other. It’s also a reach for ourselves. Not merely a fleeting adventure between two souls, but a truly transformative journey towards wholeness.



Aug 27 at 09:45 PM

To love oneself is to love all!


Aug 27 at 09:44 PM

Shine my friends