Asana Desiree


Jan 01 at 11:24 AM

You Get To Choose


Jan 01 at 11:23 AM

It pays to KNOW


Jan 01 at 11:21 AM

Good Rising All.....


Jan 01 at 11:20 AM

Opportunity Awaits


Jan 01 at 11:19 AM

There's ALWAYS a way.....


Jan 01 at 11:18 AM

Yes Please......


Dec 31 at 05:12 PM

As part of Decluttering of my life....

This is my commitment to myself in 2024....

I'm taking nothing into this new year that drags me down or holds me back

As I welcome in another  New Year!

So, I'm taking very little with me into 2024!

If you owe me anything, don't worry about it!

If you wronged me, it's all good, I'm letting it go!

If you're beefing with me, you win!  I don't need to be right.

If we aren't speaking, it's cool. Be safe and I still wish you well.

If you’re talking about me, Thanks for The advertisement!

If you don’t deal with me, I wish you the best as a human all the same.

If you don’t like me, that's ok, I don't need to be liked,  I'll be ok.

If you left me hanging, I'm moving on....don't try to grab onto me now.

If you feel I wronged you, I apologize! I'm willing to try again, if you are.

In all things I forgive!

And I'd love to be forgiven, if you find you can do that.

But if not.....

Life is TOO SHORT for all this "extra" UNNECESSARY DRAMA!

No one is promised tomorrow

And 2023 has taught me that and more.

So, Be Blessed my friends and may you always Be A Blessing!

I wish you to be Too Blessed To Be Stressed!

You're getting nothing but love from Me

Here's to Welcoming 2024 in ....

Happy New Year!



Nov 30 at 11:00 AM

Astronomers have observed a rare instance of a solar system inside the Milky Way whose planets orbit in sync around their host star, according to a study published yesterday. Researchers believe the motion of the planets has remained virtually unchanged since the system's formation roughly 4 billion years ago.


Nov 20 at 11:29 AM

Just remember… Anything that has been told to the masses… Is the exact opposite of what is the truth.
Trust your self… You KNOW the truth!



Nov 18 at 10:32 PM

Stay Informed