The reality we live in… so being informed puts the power back in our hands, which is a great thing! No better way to help each other! 😘
Asana Desiree
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Replied on McDonalds Lost a HUGE suit
Sep 25 at 01:06 PM
Charity Hawk first off I just to acknowledge you pains and fear. I’m so sorry it’s affected you in such a negative capacity. Though I do completely understand I would like to encourage you to find an outlet and find what brings you joy to be able to release those negative hooks that are causing you so much more devastation than the potential problem.
No judgment here that’s for sure I just feel your pain and want to help in some way of possible.
Of course growing our own organic food is always the answer but sometimes the answer isn’t possible in our life situation.
I recommend cleaning everything you big with soap and water, peel anything that can be peeled and get as much organic (I know it’s so contaminated but it’s less than commercial) as possible.
Blessings to you friend 😘🙏🏻💙