Joerg Christian Mueller

Frankfurt am Main, Germany

Founder, CEO of the QLC - Quantum Light Center with 24-unit EE-System, Dipl.-Ing. FH, Architect, Liebscher-Bracht Therapist

Oct 10 at 07:24 PM

Thank you Jason and Ray for sharing this much needed information. Hope all who already have access to UNIFYD TV understand the privilege it is. These times are crazy but reality is even crazier. Although I sense that Ray’s knowledge has its limits I appreciate his willingness to share. Only the truth helps to cope with the reality we are experiencing. We keep marching on. Best greetings from Frankfurt Germany.

Replied on The ANTIDOTE

Oct 03 at 03:42 PM

Children and teens naturally have a multiple amount of melatonin in comparison to adults, thus are less receptive to “viruses”. If i was a parent I would prefer to give the mix Zinc & Quercetin to children for now. Research needs to look into medical dosage of nicotine for children asap.

Replied on The ANTIDOTE

Oct 03 at 03:33 PM

As Dr. Ardis showed from the studies: the antidote is the COMBINATION of nicotine & vit C & zinc & melatonin. Keep away blue light (especially tv/ mobiles/ tablets) in the 2 hours before sleeping time. Light destroys melatonin, especially blue light.

Replied on The ANTIDOTE

Oct 01 at 11:58 PM

Great! I’m also testing it right now! Ordered patches and gum online before the end of the interview. Already had Vit C, Zinc and Melatonin. Never smoked but would start if the tyrants try to ban tobacco products. Prefer patches, odorless. ;-)


Oct 01 at 06:35 AM

Please: Question EVERYTHING! I appreciate Dr. Mirkovic courage and years of work, exposing Fauci and others.

But when someone says “Nothing more can be said…” it contradicts truth. Sorry. Absolutely not true. Even Dr. Montaigne is not God and this apparent hopelessness should be refused by anybody, who wants to overcome these medical crimes.

The new interview with Dr. Ardis shows there’s always reason for hope and new discoveries ahead.

Commented on The ANTIDOTE

Sep 28 at 10:30 PM

WOW! Thank you Jason and Dr. Bryan Ardis for the courage to bring this to light and stand up to the "forces that were". What a truckload of information. Had seen the "Watch the Water" but this was another level! Hope to open our "Quantum Light Center" with EE-System ASAP. Want to have discussions and self-help groups about stuff like this. Until then, we will meet in private and share this among friends and family. Greetings from Frankfurt Germany! Christian

Sep 03 at 02:28 AM

Ritu  well, agree on Jesus/ Yeshua, he certainly was not dogmatic, not even a Christian. He was a loving teacher of direct truth from our Creator. Yet, same as in organized Christianity we can find infiltrated parts  in other religions. The Roman church has no monopoly on organizing evil. Sorry I know some hindu and buddist organisations that also work heavily with fear, trauma and earthly punishments. Take a hard look at the torture chambers in tibetean and indian monasteries: even tourists can visit the dark sides. Chinese communists love making money showing the mediaval instruments. The Disney version of the Dalai Lama is not reality, only part of the mainstream narrative. We need to question EVERYthing. Shalom / Peace / Frieden / Namaste.


Commented on First Contact

Sep 01 at 05:05 PM

Thank you again for sharing your journey. I don’t remember traumatic times within my family, “only” external aggressions… so this helps to get a glimpse into the inner work of a formerly abused child, what has to be done. I Love the example of the husband. Feelings of helplessness transforming into shared healing.

Aug 28 at 12:10 AM

Yes, as more and more civilian contactees get the courage to speak about their experiences, these even get heard in the mainstream. Also more spiritual connections are coming into humanity's consciousness. I was struck like by lightning when I realised I was in a carmic relationship I did not even know existed: DualSouls. Their dynamics are very similar to TwinFlames, but not like identical or similar twins... more like very opposed YIN-YANG energies: potentially the perfect balance, combination of examples for Divine Duality of Masculine & Feminine. We now have lots of internal work to do, but if we both continue our paths, the energy fusion will be comparable to the birth of a star or sun. A true light in the dark in these dark times. It is our calling to be rays of light to others. Probably all who feel attacted to UNIFYD have similar roles in their relationships, families and communities. I pray daily to Creator that we will achieve it in this lifetime. Finally. Its about time!


Aug 26 at 12:26 PM

Sorry, but the version of Jesus you seem to believe in, is the watered down version of the Roman Empire. We need to keep digging until the truth about Yeshua and his disciples are in the open. According to eye whitenesses of the Vatican library, the day it will be open to humanity, all organized religions will falter under the evidence hold back by those satanists, that hid the original texts for so long. Not just Christianity but Islam, Hinduism and even Buddhism too.

As a former 100% convinced Christian missionary I was appalled what I found out and we had been lied to about. My advice is to Stop preaching all guilt inducing doctrines.

The only sure truth is: We are sons and daughters of our Creator. Creator is pure love and we should love our neighbors as ourselves. All the rest needs to be reviewed.

Shalom/ peace / paix / Frieden to all.
