Carole Philippe

Jan 06 at 11:58 AM

To break your agreements, you have to be beyond the ego mind. So if you are beyond the ego mind and your wisedom is your way of living then your vision is more clear, you steer away from what is not your path. Then why would you want to break them then.

Nov 30 at 07:53 PM

where is the movie guys? this is only the trailer here

Nov 15 at 11:02 PM

Bee Maakadedin. I complitly understand your point. And i agree. But unfortunitly we live in a sociaty that needs money to function. we all have unfortunitly to put priority down. I wish wisdom and the awareness of information about wisdom would be more accessible. Because the world needs this more then ever. Espacially  now. Maybe some day money wouldnt be a issue. I feel very sorry for every one who is struggling finantially.  At this moment i am one of them but like Bashar said we live by exemple so i am determine to spraid the words by my actions. And let the intelligence take care of the details.  I lost everything in my life the last couple of years. Now the question remains, what reality do i want to be part of. 

Nov 15 at 10:50 PM

This is awsome. Thank you so much for this amazing gift that you giving us. I want you to know that this has changed my view of looking at a world and finaly got some real answers.  Thank you Bashar. Thank you for giving me such a incredable explanations on how to use the tools. The tools that we all posese. Its resonate the truth for me. Thank you.