Kathy Meley

All of the topics are interesting, but at this particular time I marked transmuting fear because everyone tells you not to be afraid, that is what they want, but they don't tell you how to change fear into something positive.


Dec 01 at 08:41 PM

I went to the address below for help and it would not work.  I clicked on the contact area and nothing happened.  I would like to resolve this issue before my renewal date and feel it should be much easier to contact someone when there are problems.

Dec 01 at 05:30 PM

I tried to click into member support and clicked on begin and it went no where.  

Dec 01 at 01:09 PM

Why should I need to cancel?  Why would the new rate not be offered to me at the date of renewal?  Do you know for sure that if I cancel now that I will get the new rate?

Nov 27 at 06:50 PM

I find this collection refreshing in that Jason answers the questions in a very succinct  and straight forward way.  He talks about his knowledge, understanding and awareness.  He does not talk or act in a way that makes it seem as though he is more important or has more understanding than his audience.  He also does not imply that he knows what is always going on or that he understands everything he has experienced.  Being able to view how he deals with his lack of complete understanding and sometimes confusion or not knowing at all is very helpful.  I find my own present understanding of what reality might be at times confusing, complicated, and limited which creates a level of anxt that definitely leaves one feeling inadequate.  

Oct 10 at 02:25 PM

Jason,  Ray talks like everyone is unaware, in debt (slaves), living a life without care for the environment and nature.  There are individuals who owe no debt, know at least enough to follow their intuition about evil, and live a grateful life with care towards the environment and nature.   There are individuals with integrity, a level of honesty, and an ability to navigate the system we live in.

Commented on Truth Bombs

Jun 29 at 04:00 PM

What happens when free will and Devine will are one, but others through jealousy or some other issue try to block your way.  I have had this experience numerous times.  It never stops me, but it creates much difficulty?
