Drew Fra

Fort Wayne, IN, United States


Jun 04 at 01:25 PM

I am a paid member been a member since December of 2020. The Library/Watch section is as good as it was before, but the social side isn't very good. It feels like Twitter and I'm not a fan of Twitter, that's why I'm not on there.

I miss the groups. I miss the people that I had friended, I miss the private messages and discussions we used to send. I am beginning to think if this doesn't improve pretty quickly this may be my last year here.

The videos are good but I could live without them not see much of a change in my life.



May 23 at 10:32 PM

Greetings everyone, from Fort Wayne Indiana. This is like Déjà vu all over again.



May 23 at 10:18 PM

Did our groups and friends transfer over?