Stephanie Brown

Apr 22 at 12:43 PM

Katlin Kilgore like greed power addiction etc…. All lower consciousness being


Apr 22 at 12:11 PM

Katlin Kilgore being in ego lower consciousness


Apr 22 at 07:13 AM

So reptilians is our reptilian brain and it’s a lower state of consciousness but actually reptilians are not real in the sense that I feel you are thinking



Apr 18 at 10:57 AM

Please donate to Rachel Fiori and let’s help this amazing conscious leader get into office ✨🇺🇸✨


Apr 15 at 10:32 AM

Please share & listen to about Rachel Fiori about running for president of the United States! Let’s help this amazing enlightened leader get into office!🇺🇸


Apr 12 at 09:17 PM

I just found out that I am a NH Negative (A-) blood type, does anyone have any information or hoping Jason Shurka will put out something about blood types!?



Apr 11 at 08:27 AM

Please donate to for the United States President🇺🇸
Let’s elevate into oneness consciousness and do our part! ✨Miracles can happen!✨


Apr 10 at 09:58 AM

Commented on Different ET species

Apr 09 at 09:36 AM

Where is a link to this page so I can read all of them?


Apr 08 at 09:17 PM

Rachel Fiori
Presidential Candidate of the American Congress Party
After earning my masters degree in Occupational Therapy, I went on to specialize in mental, emotional, and behavioral health. I learned first hand working in the healthcare system that it was a sick care system. I was told to “Stop healing people because sick people make us money.” It was because of this that I eventually started my own corporation empowering and educating people in spiritual psychology, energetics, and consciousness studies. This is where I teach people how to break free spiritually, mentally, and emotionally from our governmental systems of enslavement, indoctrination, and brainwashing so they can free themselves from suffering and experience what true freedom is.

Our tyrannical government will continue to over-tax, steal from us, lie to us, and create wars as long as We, The People remain separated from one another. Once we realize that our power stems from uniting together in Oneness, the corrupt powers that be will lose all power over us. We can only rise above and overcome by banning together.

I’m calling on ALL AMERICANS who are sick of the injustices to join this Revolution of Oneness so we can create a NEW system built on Truth, Trust, Equality, Selfless-Service, Integrity, and Harmony.